Do I need to upgrade to three-phase power when I buy my EV?


Whether you need to upgrade to three phase power in Australia when you buy an electric car depends on a few factors, including the type of electric vehicle you have, your home's existing electrical setup, and how you plan to charge your car.

Most electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia come with a standard Level 2 charging station that can be plugged into a standard 240-volt electrical outlet. This means that you may not necessarily need to upgrade to three-phase power.

That said, if you want to charge your EV three times faster, have more than one vehicle to charge, or need to power other appliances simultaneously then upgrading your homes power to three-phase could be beneficial.

It's important to note that upgrading to three-phase power can be costly, and you should consult with a licensed electrician and your energy provider to determine if it is necessary and feasible for your home.

Ultimately, whether or not you need to upgrade to three-phase power when buying an electric car in Australia will depend on your specific circumstances and how you plan to charge your vehicle.

Contact one of our certified installers and we will ensure you get the correct set up for you and your vehicle.